Sunday, January 11, 2009

Sleeping through the night!!!

Big News...Miss Ella has slept through the night 3 nights in a row!!! We have been following the principles of "Babywise" (from the book "On becoming Babywise"...most helpful book EVERY!!!) recommended by our doctor and it has finally paid off! She is thriving, growing like a weed, and now sleeping through the night. The first night she slept from 10 until 6, the second was 9 to 5 and last night was 10 until 7. We have been maintaining her schedule of eating every 2 and a half to 3 hours during the day and now she is able to go longer at night. The idea behind the Babywise theory is that you help your baby establish a consistent sleep and eat pattern and then they are able to get a solid chunk of sleep time at night, which allows them to be happier, healthier babies. When she is up she is smiling and giggling, rarely crabby. She falls asleep on her own, without having to be rocked and she is able to go back to sleep if she wakes, USUALLY......unless she ends up in our bed for an hour or two...both of us like to snuggle with her though so we don't mind and she is doing well in her own crib for the majority of the night....Stay post will be about our new family vehicle!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats Mommy! Sleeping through the night is an incredible accomplishment (from what I hear...) Can't wait to see pics of the new ride. ;)
